Day of Jupiter: Today I will collect wheat for my mum to make bread. I will collect all the wheat and grind it up to make flour. Then we mix the flour with water to make the bread. After we make the bread we will eat it.
Day of Venus: Today I have to gather fruit from the trees in the forest. We eat the fruit and give the leftovers to the animals.
Day of Saturn: On this day I will feed the cows with my mum and dad .We feed them hay. We also have some dogs and they eat scraps of food left over from our meals.
Day of the Sun: Today we go to pray at the temple to thank the gods for giving us good crops and good weather this season. My mum, dad and brothers and sisters will pray too.
Day of the Moon: I will collect wood from the woods to make a fire. The fire is in the middle of our hut and we keep it lit all the time.
Day of Mars: I am going hunting with my dad today. I will use my bow and arrow and so will my dad. I will also try and shoot the Romans if I see any. My dad will keep an eye on me.
Day of Mercury: I am having a break from working. I will play with my brothers and sisters outside. We will run round the trees and take it in turns to hide from each other.